
Showing posts from February, 2021

Tiny Person Progress - January and February 2021

Where is time going? I feel like I'm so good to keeping to some things on the well planned schedule each week and other things drop off - like uploading insights, pictures, and happenings to the Tiny Person blog. He's no longer tiny really. Yes, he still wants to cuddle in the mornings. But, he's sleeping on his own mattress on the floor most of the time. Ok, all of the time now. He's 5.5 years old. Enjoying in-person kindergarten and really loves riding the bus. It causes me an extra bit of anxiety for a few reasons, but it has also become a time where I go early to walk, record podcast episodes, or catch-up on to dos or phone conversations. This is a time in life where I'm trying to help Tiny Person have as little stress as possible since living somewhere else, relying on others home and cars and such can really increase my stress as a mother. Am I teaching him enough? Am I controlling him too much? Is he ahead or behind on his reading, math, and relationships? So

Next tooth brush

It was time to throw Elmo away and make room for the next tooth brush. It's always a process because mommy got rid of too many things too quickly when I was three years old and now I have a hoarding tendency. I also have a tiny cavity in one of my back teeth. So, mommy says I need to brush more and not have the gummies!