
Showing posts from June, 2019

June 30 - Magical mommy and kid


June 20, 2019 - dead balloons

When you discover where all the dead balloons are hidden.

June 29, 2019

More Saturday fun

Car words June 29, 2019

Saturday morning fun

June 22

Book of Mormon reading, Grocery shopping, cleaning the church, napping in the car, visiting Office Max, watching women's soccer and race cars, eating pizza, and relaxing in the tub.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019


Tiny Person turns four - reflections on June 6

Thursday, June 6, 2019.. I've been really behind on documenting a lyses life, but it's time to get back to it to make sure that I give a synopsis of where he is at right now and his life. He continues to be one of the most amazing things that is happened to me in my life, if not the most amazing. He just turned four at the end of May include phrases like I'm four years old and I'm a big boy. Or, four-year-old boys don't need their mommy's help. Or, mommy what are the rules for being for? He is an inquisitive little boy and I worry daily that I do not offer up enough for him to learn and grow. He amazes me with what he does now that is happening right underneath my eyes. Books that he looked at a few months ago and didn't think about the letters he can now point out almost all the letters with a few mistakes. He can recite complete books, but he was able to do this when he was too as well. Now he does it from their point of you of this rotative source as if h

June 17, 2019

We looked up Grammy and Grammy's car (yellow Cadillac), mommy's family station wagon from Michigan, daddy's ford station wagon, and Mater/Lightening McQueen/Luigi tonight. For some reason it is very important that Tony Person knows which junkyard they are in so we looked up pictures of that too! Serenity now! All the repeat questions! This boy loves his cars!

June 17, 2019

Telling Daddy each type of car on the walk. O

June 16, 2019

We are looking up Grammy and Grampy is yellow Cadillac tonight and it tiny person wants to see which junkyard it went to. In the process we've also found major, lightning McQueen and Guido from cars three I mean Luigi.

June 14

Today is donuts with daddy day at school and He refuses to except those donuts he's counting his money because he wants to bring the donuts and pay for it with his own money. He has $5.37. He is spouting off all kinds of angry things about the teachers and how he doesn't want their donuts he just wants to bring his own

June 9, 2019

Someone drew this awesome family picture on the way to church. Typically he draws lines on a diagonal in every color. A periodic circle or shape. It was great to see him using his hand to create this and so maybe he just needs some time with crayons and pencils. I can see now where having to wear mittens when he was younger had a bit of an impact. But, we can work through it. He woke up with the same red dot on his face from having to suction stuff out of his nose. They are the same red dots that appeared when he had those very forced throw ups a few months ago. Ugh. I see this as a sign that he does have some of the sickness in him that some classmates have - strep. Praying that I can become a full-time mom ASAP. I must focus on getting this family healthy! Plus it looks like a big bite on his face.

June 8 - Saturday

Tiny person woke up with red freckles all around his eyes today with a lot of sinking in around the eyes as well. Last night I thought he was dehydrated and maybe he is. But, I realize that this is something he had a couple months ago when he had major coughing when he had congestion. Now he has coughing again, but I believe it was from all of the pressure that came from suctioning his nose nose last night. It is clear we are still dealing with some health issues and I am committed to learning more to get our family and the healthier part of living. It's an amazing time to live. While we learned more about health we are also in a situation where more and more food is being created an in proper ways for our bodies. So, it takes constant effort and vigilance to make sure that we make a good choices. It's made section 89 of the doctrine and covenants much more relevant. There are evil designs of men out there to control population and to make money. Sent from my iPhone