
Showing posts from March, 2020

March 31

Perfecto thumbs up on the baloney sandwich I made.

March 21, 2020

Cooking the peanut butter blossom cookies that mommy made when she was little. Except, we had small chocolate chips instead of big Hershey kisses. We are trying to cook together more each day, especially as we figure out how to use our food properly during this coronavirus experience. Tiny Person is a great helper!

March 11

He hates taekwondo. But, we came back today. Only because my credit card was charged. Ugh. The master says he's spoiled. Maybe, but he's just not interested in this sport. He is miserable. Glad I caught this moment before class.

Feb 27 - updated stretch bands


Feb 27 - stretch bands

We are starting stretch bands every morning.

Feb 27

Someone drew an x-ray. And, healed me and Mickey. Fun to see moments of creativity amongst too much tv watching. It's a tough balance having Tiny Person home full-time. He gets to go to school on Fridays though. I empathize with moms everywhere that want to spend time with children, but are compelled to create or have to go to work for a living. We need the funding, but trying to find the balance.